305-274-3440 [email protected]

Today, more than ever, it is common to hear restraints and frustrations with financial planning, savings, and economic status. Have you ever heard people say things like, “I cannot afford to save money”, “With this economy I cannot make ends meet”, ” and so on. How we talk and think about money will materialize. Since we create our own reality it only stands to reason that by changing our language and thought process we can create abundance.

It starts with creating positive affirmations and taking action. If a plan is created by setting goals and a budget, but our internal voice keeps saying the above negative statements we cannot grow or change. To have abundance in our lives we have to create the framework and architectural design to follow. Our instincts want our lives to stay the same, we resist change. Without change we cannot grow, and our lives become stagnant. Think about standing water; what happens when it does not move? It becomes polluted just like our thinking when we are not moving and changing. It is not about how much money we have but how we think about money and the actions we take. Hard work and money earned are valued differently with every person, couple, and family. What makes a low income earner have no debt, save for retirement, and feel that all their needs are met? My clients consist of low, medium, and high incomes. I see lives getting richer with abundance and clients financial concerns minimizing. It is not about how much we earn, it is about how much we retain. It is about how you think about money and its importance during the process you go through in following change and an action plan.

Our propensity to spend is stealing our opportunity for becoming financially fit. We are creating every experience we have so why not walk a different path to financial freedom? We have all heard our ancestors tell us that nothing worthwhile in life comes easy, and that a penny earned is a penny saved. Think about what lengths we will all go to in getting something we want; a vacation, personal items, technology, etc. So why do we not deserve and go to any length to take care of ourselves and family financially? It comes down to choices. If you want to begin your new financial path, make a choice and take action.

Always wishing you Health, Wealth and a great Life – Robin